The First One

A new Bride for your dress!!

A new Bride for your dress!!

Hmmmm. How did it all start.

The story of 2 gals on a couch (boys, hold your horses) sipping tea and watching Ted talks has gotten old hasn’t it?

Yeah well OK. We’ll allow you to vary the facts (within reason boys) – to whatever suits you, but yeah that was exactly it. We were having a rather intelligent afternoon, watching Ruth Chang discuss the philosophical answer to “How to make those hard choices”. So maybe a rather troubled searching-for-an-answer afternoon.

I can’t really explain the delicate trail of thought (read mangled) that led us to talk about wedding dresses but we just arrived at the age-old question (since nudity went out of style) – Where do wedding dresses go after the wedding day?

Now I’m very emotional, my biz partner is more logical. And I just imagined those dresses sitting there in the closet, condemned to watch themselves go out of style and not being worn, feeling useless, and totally unloved. 😦 #tears

She on the other hand thought hmmmm, dead capital. Wasted creativity, material, design, investment and perfection. Locked up in a tiny box (except for all y’ll with walk in closets – much less tinier box), idling away when it could be out there generating profits or being used better (incidentally she just got married, which, now that I think about it, is a clue as to how we ended up at the wedding dress convo, but I digress).

And with that a guy wearing a white sheet written BRIDE TO BRIDE burst into the room and light bulbs (physically) lit in our heads and voila – Bride to Bride was born. OK fine. Would you have believed if I told you that suddenly there was a witting on the wall “Start Bride to Bride Kenya. Call it Bride to Bride. Let it be for brides by brides!” No?

OK truth time. We realized that brides had no reliable convenient way to make use of their investment in wedding gowns (through resale to other brides) after the wedding day. And we did not think the curse of the one day dress was deserving of such an elegant lovely piece of art that shared so much love with the bride.

See? Now that was more boring.

Anyway, so that’s what Bride to Bride KenyaB2B, as we fondly call ourselves now,  is. For brides by brides. B2B is Kenya’s premier online platform for sale or leasing of pre-loved wedding dresses.It offers a convenient easy reliable way for former brides to sell/lease their dresses to new brides.  Brides benefit by obtaining a lovely dress without spending too much money (quite the bargain!)

Its simple and easy to use. One  (former brides)can easily list their dress online by filling out a form, which we process in one hour and post the dress online. We then market the dresses in our networks and reach loads of women in Kenya who we feel like the style of your dress, and are looking for a bargain. Once brides express their interest, we connect them to you and sit back and watch your cash roll in.

The best part is we do not charge a commission, you keep all your cash! (swell huh!)

Brides (brides to be) who have viewed our dress catalogue and like (and I daresay love) a dress, can express interest by filling out a form that we use to communicate to the seller(former bride) and connect them. Thereafter, they ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after (the new bride and the dress I mean).

How easy was that?

We only ask, that as a token to us, former brides pay in a measly KSH 2,000 to list on our site. This is a one time fee, and allows you to list until your dress its leased or sold.

That’s the story of the beginning.

Stay tuned on this blog to see how it all unfolds.

Your thoughts and prayers are welcome. Leave us a note here below would you?


B2B Team

Now I realise that some people do not agree that nudity is out of style. And maybe I should write that the views expressed here are the writers own. But seriously, what, if not clothing, designers and hot outfits did we get after the whole Adam and Eve apple fiasco? Thank God for Vera Wang, is all I’m saying. And I guess an opportunity to meet JC right? #silverlining.

OK bye!












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